Our Dance School

Welcome to the Devon Dance Centre Website

Dance is not a competition, it’s a passion

The Dance Centre keeps constantly up-to-date with the best developments in the ever changing world of dance without compromising our own traditional and well proven high standards puts us on a par with some of the most sought after vocational schools. We pride ourselves on our outstanding exam results. Our Staff work with energy,enthusiasm and a shared sense of purpose so that all pupils discover more in themselves than they ever thought possible.

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For your attention

Dance wear and correct uniforms are available to try on and buy from Cary Court Studio, and orders can be placed with Miss Jacqui via email at [email protected]. Click here to view the uniform list.

If you find yourself alone and the Fire Warning Alarm is sounded would you please comply with the following:-

  • Immediately leave the premises by the nearest Fire Exit. Please follow the emergency exit signs.
  • Please leave in as calm a manner as possible-WALK. Do not RUN. Please do not stop to collect bags or coats.
  • Do not attempt to re-enter the premises for any reason, until you are told by a member of staff that it is ok to do so.
  • Having safely left the building please go to the car park, and make your presence known to the staff member who is undertaking the role call.
  • When all is well, you will be allowed to re-enter the building.

We hope you never have to follow these guidelines, but if the need arises, they will get you safely away from danger.

Thank you for reading this information notice, and for co-operating with us in ensuring your safety during your visit.

All teachers using the premises are experienced and have been DBS checked for their suitability to work with children. Teachers further their training and improve skills by taking top-up and refresher courses throughout the year. Dance Teachers hold First Aid Certificates.

Class sizes are restricted in size to ensure good relations between student and teacher. In order to teach dancing effectively it is sometimes necessary to demonstrate using physical contact to clarify verbal instruction.

Hard work raises the level of achievement individuals can attain and fun comes from sharing the challenges. Students must respect other pupils and teachers alike. We will not tolerate disruptive behavior and we reserve the right to dismiss students who are constantly disruptive.

We need to be made aware of any change in medical conditions. Children under 16 years old using an inhaler must have written permission from the parent/guardian for pupil to use their inhaler during class. Medication should be labeled and handed into the teacher at the start of the lesson; the student is then responsible for collection at the end of the lesson. If students have an Emergency Care Plan please ensure that we have an up to date copy to keep on file.

Examinations are optional. Parents are informed by letter when students are ready and of correct age to take their examinations. Students study the Cecchetti Method of the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing (I.S.T.D). This board is Ofqual recognized.

A correspondence box is available in Studio One. Please place any documents in the box, including Dancewear orders with payment if relevant, making sure correspondance is clearly labelled.

Entry into the studio is through double wooden doors (on left hand side of building). Fire Exit Meeting Point is in the Car Park. No outdoor shoes to be worn in Studio 2 at the Dance Centre.
Thank you.

Correct dancewear available from the dance centre.

Our Policies

The policy aims to:-

  • Demonstrate the Dance Centres commitment to safeguarding all children and young people who use our services
  • Provide information and support to staff, assistants and volunteers in relation to child protection.
  • Provide a clear and effective framework for staff, assistants and volunteers for safeguarding children
  • Provides clear procedures for reporting and recording suspicions, disclosures and allegations of abuse, including allegations against the Dance Centres personnel.

The protection of the students at the School is of paramount importance and we work to ensure that all staff are trained and experienced in the subjects they teach. Students are encouraged to discuss any concerns and these will be recorded on an Incident Form.

  • All students must stay within the premises until collected by an adult and all students under 5 years must be accompanied by an adult. Parents are not allowed into the studio unless invited by the teacher, a waiting area is provided.
  • Registers are kept of attendance at classes and the School keeps an up-to-date list of emergency contact numbers for each Student.
  • The School holds a first aid box on site and the Principal and all teachers employed by the school are qualified to administer first aid.
  • All teachers who work within the Dance Centre have a current CRB/DBS enhanced disclosure for this position.
  • All teaching staff are qualified by either the Royal Academy of Dance (R.A.D.), Imperial Society Teachers of Dance (I.S.T.D) and attend annual courses to update on new work.


In order to teach dancing effectively it is sometimes necessary to demonstrate using physical contact to clarify verbal instruction.If you wish to discuss further please contact Miss Marisa

Marisa Burgoyne Dance Centre aims to keep the working environment of the studios, tidy, clean and free from hazards.


The Dance studio has a Harlequin dance floor in Studio 2 and Maple Floor in Studio 1. The studio has temperature controlled heating and air conditioning and strip fluorescent tubes provide light. Fire exits are clearly displayed in the studio and an electronic system is in place for entrance to the building and the studio.


Fire evacuation procedures are displayed on the walls of both studios and waiting rooms. All electrical items are PAT tested annually.


Waiting Room 1 and Studio 1 – out of Waiting Room 1 main door.
Studio 2 – out of Studio 2 Double Doors
Waiting Room 2 and 3 – out of Main Entrance.


In case of fire, sound the alarm bell or alternatively if the alarm bell sounds (one continuous alarm) then teacher to proceed with class out of the designated fire escape and into the car park (with register).

Those in the waiting areas go out of the designated fire escape and meet in car park. Parents to go directly to the car park and children will be assembled also in car park.

Please leave in as calm a manner as possible WALK DO NOT RUN. Please do not stop to collect bags, coats. Please note some exit points that may be used are not wide enough for prams.

Teachers to check waiting rooms and toilets.

Once in assembly point, take register and inform emergency services on arrival. Please do not re-enter the premises until a member of staff informs you that it is safe to do so.


Accidents during class are reported in the accident book which is located in the First Aid Cabinet. Simple first aid is applied but if a serious problem is identified then the guardian is informed and student is taken home or an ambulance is called whichever is deemed appropriate first.


All teachers are first aid qualified.

We welcome everyone to Marisa Burgoyne Dance Centre, regardless of age, race or gender and encourage all our students to work together and to develop respect for others. We will make every effort to help every student to work towards their full potential throughout their time at the school, and encourage students to work independently and to develop their own individual skills. We take time to get to know pupils as individuals and aim to meet the needs of each individual, working in partnership with them and their families.


Examinations are optional. Parents are informed by letter when students are ready and of correct age to take their examinations. Students study the Royal Academy of Dance (R.A.D) for Ballet. Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing (I.S.T.D.) for Tap and Jazz. These two boards are ‘Ofqual’ recognised. International Dance Teachers Association (I.D.T.A.) are also taken.

We are always keen to hear feedback from students, parents and staff members and value new ideas and input.

In the event of a complaint from a student or parent, please submit your grievance in writing and place in correspondence box/email. The Principal will then respond to the complaint in writing within a period of 14 to 28 days, depending on severity of grievance.


Parents or guardians of all students must fill out a registration form before attending lessons, this form must state clearly the full name and address of the student and any emergency contact numbers, once signed the parent/guardian has then accepted responsibility for all of our policies including the following:

Giving staff permission to:

    • Administer first aid
    • Apply plasters
    • Take photographs and videos which may be used for future promotional purposes.


Invoices are sent out via email, it is the parent’s responsibility to inform the school if they have not received an invoice at the beginning of term in order to use the Early Settlement Discount.

All fees are due within 7 days of the start of new term. These dates must be adhered to. Any fees not paid by the last day of term will be subject to a £10.00 admin charge to cover additional administration costs.


The school reserves the right to cancel classes in extreme circumstances, e.g. Snow, teacher illness and will replace classes if possible within the same term or following Term. Refunds will only be made if the school cannot replace classes and parents do not have the option of refund or replacement. In the case of cancellation the school will try to notify all parents of students by text, email and on the school website.

The school also reserves the right to cancel/combine classes if insufficient numbers. Classes must have a minimum of 4 pupils to run.

All teachers who work within Marisa Burgoyne Dance Centre are R.A.D. and I.S.T.D. trained and qualified. Teachers in their own individual classes carry out their own visual risk assessments on a continual basis and are responsible for their own safe practice in class by keeping up with continual professional development via course and reading material. Teachers are also responsible for taking class registers and following evacuation procedures. Records of names, addresses and contact numbers are kept by the Principal on a database and principals mobile phone. All teachers have contact with the Principal during class times should they need to contact in an emergency.

All new students sign or have their guardians sign a registration form which supplies their contact details and medical history, giving various permissions as well as agreeing to the school policies. The siblings and parents who wait on site during class time are responsible for their own health and safety.

  • The studio supplies an Ipad for the capture of pupil pictures or videos.
  • The use of personal mobile phones/camera equipment (for taking photographs/calling) within lesson times is prohibited.
  • If a student wishes to use their own phone to capture images of the teacher demonstrating the syllabus, this is permissible at the teacher’s discretion.
  • Parents are permitted to take photographs/videos of their own child at the dance centre.If other pupils in picture then permissions needs to be sort from other parents.

Exam Board Information

Further your dance qualifications